RABBI MANIS FRIEDMAN is a gifted educator, internationally acclaimed lecturer, social philosopher, author and counselor. Friedman challenges general assumptions about spirituality and G-d, and sheds new light on life's most important relationships. He gives participants a deeper perspective on their failed relationships and guides them to long-term, healthy ones. He is a master at conveying deeply profound concepts in concrete, relevant terms and in putting our Divine mission and purpose within reach. Friedman has over forty years experience in the classroom and on the lecture floor, a profound knowledge of the soul and psyche, and a crystal-clear perspective on life today, much of it garnered from the many thousands of women he's counseled at Bais Chana retreats and around the world.
Friedman has lectured at venues all over the globe and is a sought-after counselor and advisor. Videos of Friedman teaching and replying to viewers questions are seen by thousands every month on popular websites, including chabad.org.
Check out Rabbi Friedman's website rabbifriedman.org
For CDs and books www.itsgoodtoknow.com
Check out Rabbi Friedman's FB page.
Read about him here.
Listen to audio.
Watch Rabbi Friedman respond to questions about parenting, how to acquire wisdom, and the Mumbai tragedy.
Search Manis Friedman for more audio and video on chabad.org and Torah Cafe.